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Version: v0.19.0-alpha 🚧

End to End Example

This example will

  • Delete all existing Workspaces called 'Test Workspace'

  • Create a Matter called 'Test Matter' if it doesn't already exist

  • Create a Workspace called 'Test Workspace'

  • Create a Fixed Length Field in the Workspace called 'Tags'

  • Import some documents from a csv file

  • Tag entities with a particular title

  • Export the tagged entities to a new file


Instructions on how to install and setup Sequence and the Sequence Connector for Relativity®. To load the data from a .csv file you need to add the StructuredData and FileSystem connectors


Download the SCL here: relativity-end-to-end.scl Download the example entity import here:

To run:

PS > ./sequence.exe run relativity-end-to-end.scl
- <MatterName>     = 'Test Matter'
- <WorkspaceName> = 'Test Workspace'
- <FieldsToCreate> = ['Tags']

# The Base Path of the files to import
- <BasePath> = '.\files'

- <Search> = "'Title' LIKE 'Clouds'" # Define your search here
- <Tag> = "Important"

- <ExportFilter> = "'Tags' LIKE 'Important'"
- <OutputPath> = 'entities.csv'

- <CsvPath> = PathCombine [<BasePath> 'example-entities.csv']
- <NativeFolder> = PathCombine [<BasePath> 'Natives']

# Delete Workspaces with the Given Name
- <ExistingWorkspaces> = RelativitySendQuery
Workspace: -1
Condition: $"'Name' == '{<WorkspaceName>}'"
Start: 0
Length: 100
SortDirection: SortEnum.Ascending
ArtifactType: ArtifactType.Case
- Log $"Deleting {ArrayLength <ExistingWorkspaces>} workspaces"
- ForEach <ExistingWorkspaces> Action: (RelativityDeleteWorkspace Workspace: <>["ArtifactId"])

# Create Matter and Workspace
- <MatterExists> = ArrayIsEmpty (
Workspace: -1
Condition: $"'Name' == '{<MatterName>}'"
Start: 0
Length: 100
SortDirection: SortEnum.Ascending
ArtifactType: ArtifactType.Matter

- If <MatterExists>
Then: (
- Log Value: "Test Matter does not exist, creating it."
- RunStep (
Client: "Test Client"
Status: 671
MatterName: <MatterName>
Number: "Ten"
Keywords: "Test Keywords"
Notes: "Test Notes"
Else: (Log Value: "Test Matter already exists, it will not be created.")

- Log 'Creating Workspace'

- <NewWorkspaceDetails> = RelativityCreateWorkspace
WorkspaceName: <WorkspaceName>
Matter: <MatterName>
TemplateId: "Relativity Starter Template"
StatusId: 675
ResourcePoolId: "Default"
SqlServerId: 1015096
DefaultFileRepositoryId: 1014887
DefaultCacheLocationId: 1015534

- Log <NewWorkspaceDetails>
- Log 'Workspace Created'

# Create Fields
- ForEach <FieldsToCreate> Action: (
- <FieldId> = RelativityCreateField <WorkspaceName> <>
- Log $"Created Field '{<>}' with id {<FieldId>}"

# Import Data
- Log "Importing Entities."
# Read entities from a CSV file. You could also try reading them from another file or a database
- <Entities> = FileRead <CsvPath> | FromCSV Delimiter: "\t"

# Map fields in your file to fields in your Workspace
- <MappedEntities> = <Entities>
| EntityMapProperties Mappings: ('DocId': 'Control Number')
| EntityMap (In <> Set: 'File Path' To: (PathCombine [<NativeFolder>, <>['File Path']]))

# Create a schema from the entities. You could also provide your own schema
- <Schema> = CreateSchema Entities: <MappedEntities>

- RelativityImportEntities
Workspace: <WorkspaceName>
Entities: <MappedEntities>
Schema: <Schema>
ControlNumberField: 'Control Number'
FilePathField: 'File Path'
FolderPathField: 'Folder Path'

- Log $"Imported {ArrayLength <MappedEntities>} Entities."

# Tag Files
- Log $"Tagging Files"

- <FilesToTag> = RelativitySendQuery
Workspace: <WorkspaceName>
Condition: <Search>
Start: 0
Length: 100 # The max number of objects to tag

- ForEach <FilesToTag> Action: (
Workspace: <WorkspaceName>
ObjectArtifactId: <>["ArtifactId"]
FieldValues: ('Tags': <Tag>)

- Log $"Tagged {ArrayLength <FilesToTag>} Files."

# Export the entities
- <ExportedEntities> = RelativityExport
Workspace: <WorkspaceName>
Condition: <ExportFilter>
FieldNames: ['Title', 'Tags']

# Define a schema
- <Schema> = (
'Name': "ValueIf Schema"
'Properties': (
'Title': ('Type': 'String')
'Tags': ('Type': 'String')

# Apply the schema to the entities
- <MappedExportedEntities> = Transform EntityStream: <ExportedEntities> Schema: <Schema>

# Write the entities to a csv file
- <MappedExportedEntities> | ToCSV | Log
- <MappedExportedEntities> | ToCSV | FileWrite <OutputPath>
- Log $"Exported {ArrayLength <MappedExportedEntities>} Entities."