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Version: v0.18.0

Sequence Configuration Language

SCL is the configuration language for defining automated forensic and ediscovery workflows, with features to simplify data interchange between platforms and connectors to automate any application in your lab.

The building blocks of SCL are Steps, which can be combined to form Sequences.


A step is a unit of work or an action performed on data or in an application.

Each step has some number of parameters and produces a result.

A list of all steps is available here and each connector adds its own set of steps.

To define a step in an SCL, write the name of the step followed by the arguments.

For example to print a string, you use the Print step which has a string parameter called Value.

Print Value: 'Hello World'

Arguments and Parameters​

A step has parameters, or values that are expected by the step when you execute it. Values that are passed to steps are called arguments.

You can think of a parameter as a parking space and the argument as a car.

In the example below, Print is the step, Value the parameter name, and 'Hello World' is the argument.

Print Value: 'Hello World'

Parameter Names​

Parameter names are usually optional as they can be inferred from the argument order.

Print 'Hello World'

Most steps have more than one parameter.

For example the CharAtIndex step has the parameters String and Index.

CharAtIndex String: 'Hello' Index: 1 # returns 'e'

The step above explicitly names the parameters. Doing this allows you to pass arguments in any order.

CharAtIndex Index: 1 String: 'Hello' # also returns 'e'

Each step also has an implicit argument ordering that allows it to infer the names of the parameters from that order.

- CharAtIndex 'Hello' 1 # returns 'e'
- CharAtIndex 1 'Hello' # results in an error

For CharAtIndex, both parameters are required so calling it without providing at least two arguments results in an error.

Optional Parameters​

The FileRead step has three parameters:

  • Path which is required
  • Encoding which is optional with the default UTF8
  • Decompress which is optional with the default false

So FileRead can be called using three arguments:

FileRead Path: 'C:/data.txt.gz' Encoding: 'ASCII' Decompress: true

But the optional parameters can be omitted, and the default parameter arguments will be used. Default arguments are specified in the steps documentation.

These are equivalent:

FileRead 'C:/data.txt'
FileRead Path:'C:/data.txt'
FileRead Path:'C:/data.txt' Encoding: 'UTF8' Decompress: false

You can also mix and match named and inferred arguments as long as the named arguments come last.

FileRead 'C:/data.txt' Decompress: true
FileRead 'C:/data.txt' true # results in error because true is not a valid value for the `Encoding` parameter.


A Sequence is one or more Steps that are executed in order. Steps in a sequence are indicated with a - on a new line

- <variable1> = 1
- <variable2> = 1 + <variable1>
- Print <variable2>


All Step parameters and results in SCL have one of the following types:

UnitThe result of a step which produces no other output
StringA piece of text.'Hello World' or "Hello World"
IntegerAn integer1 or -1 or 54876
DoubleA real number1.0 or 2.5 or -5,48923
BoolA booleantrue or false
EnumA value from a particular set of possibilitiesEncoding.UTF8 (note, you can also write 'UTF8')
DateTimeA date and time2021-01-22 or 2021-01-22T01:22:58
ArrayA list of other objects[] or [1,2,3] or [1, 'one', true] or [[1,2],['three', 'four']]
EntityA structed, nested, piece of data.(Color:'red', Index:5)
OneOfA discriminated union of other objectsA step parameter might allow either a string or an int


The results of steps can be stored as variables which are declared using angle brackets.

- <name> = 'mark' # assigns the value 'mark' to variable <name>
- Print <name> # prints the value contained in <name>

Once a variable is assigned, its type is set and cannot be changed in subsequent assignments. Therefore the following SCL would not work:

- <Var> = 1
- <Var> = 'string' #ERROR Variable 'Var' does not have type 'StringStream'

But this works fine:

- <Var> = 1
- <Var> = 2

The Automatic Variable <item> or <>​

Inside a Lambda Function you can use the automatic variable <item> or its shorthand <> to refer to the variable introduced by the function.

- ForEach
Array: [(num:1), (num:2), (num:3)]
Action: (Log <>.num)
- ForEach
Array: [(num:1), (num:2), (num:3)]
Action: (Log <item>.num)

The ForEach step will perform the Action on each entity in the Array. To access the properties of these entities in the Action, you can use the automatic variable <item> or its shorthand <>.

Math Operators​

SCL supports the following math operators:

  • + # Addition
  • - # Subtraction
  • * # Multiplication
  • / # Division
  • % # Modulo
  • ^ # Exponent

These operators can be chained only with operators of the same type.

To prevent ambiguity you must use brackets to separate groups

- Print 2 + 3             # Prints 5
- Print 2 + 3 + 4 # Prints 9
- Print 2 + 3 * 4 + 5 # Results in an error
- Print 2 + (3 * 4) + 5 # Prints 19

Style and Layout​

SCL is designed to be as user friendly as possible with few brackets or special characters.

Additional whitespace and newline characters are ignored. The only exception is the newline character before a new step in a sequence.

The names of steps, parameters, and variables are case-insensitve.

You are encouraged to lay out your sequences in the way that is most readable to you.

You can also use tools like the VSCode Extension to format your sequence automatically.

Step and Parameter Aliases​

For SCL to have a more natural-language style, many of the Steps and their parameters have aliases. For example, DeleteItem can be written as:

- DeleteItem Path: 'c:\temp\file.txt'
- Delete File: 'c:\temp\file.txt'
- Delete Folder: 'c:\temp\folder'

These two Sequences are the same:

- FileRead Path: 'data.csv'
| FromCSV
| EntityMap (EntitySetValue <> Property: 'ColumnA' Value: (<>.ColumnA + 1))
| ToJsonArray
| FileWrite Path: 'data.json'

- ReadFromFile 'data.csv'
| ConvertCSVToEntity
| EntityMap (in <> set: 'ColumnA' to: (<>.ColumnA + 1))
| ToJsonArray
| WriteToFile 'data.json'


Every step produces a result, which will either be Success or Failure

Success contain an output value that can be used by other steps.

Failure results contain an error message that will eventually be fed back to the user.

The result of a step can be used as an argument to another step. The step being passed as an argument must be wrapped in brackets.

Print (FileRead 'C:/data.txt') # prints the text in the file


The result of a step can be used as the first argument of another step by connecting them with |, the pipeline operator.

Pipelining can only be used for the first ordered argument to a step.

(FileRead 'C:/data.txt') | Print # prints the text in the file.

This is equivalent to

Print (FileRead 'C:/data.txt')


There are two ways to comment in SCL:

# This is a single line comment



There are three ways to define strings

'Single-quoted strings
can be multiline
must escape single quotes by repeating ('')'
"Double Quoted strings must be single-line, escape \" \r \n \t"
Three double quotes start
A multiline string with no
"Escaping" needed

String Interpolation​

If you prefix a Double Quoted string with $, you can use braces to interpolate the results of steps.

- <var> = $"A{2 + 2}"   # A4


You can define arrays or lists with square brackets.

- <MyArray> = [1,2,3]
- <MyArray> = [1 2 3] # Commas are optional

An array can store any type.

- <MyEntityArray> = [
(Property1: 'Value1' Property2: 2)
(Property1: 'Value3' Property2: 4)

All array elements must have the same type.

<MyArray> = [1,'two',3] # Results in an error

There are several steps that operate on arrays.

ArrayLength [1,2,3] # returns 3
ArrayDistinct [1,1,2,2,3] # returns [1,2,3]
ArraySort [2,3,1] # returns [1,2,3]
ArrayTake [1,2,3,4,5] 3 # returns [1,2,3]
ArraySkip [1,2,3,4,5] 3 # returns [4,5]

You can access individual elements in an array with square brackets

- <MyArray> = ['a','b','c']
- Print (<MyArray>[0]) # 'a'


Some functions which operate on Arrays take lambda functions as parameters. For example the ForEach function takes a function which determines what to do with each array element.

Array: [(num:1), (num:2), (num:3)]
Action: (<var> => Log <var>.num)

The variable name and the arrow in the lambda function are optional. You can use the Automatic Variable or <item> to access the variable value.

Array: [(num:1), (num:2), (num:3)]
Action: (Log <>.num)
Array: [(num:1), (num:2), (num:3)]
Action: (Log <item>.num)