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Version: v0.19.0-alpha 🚧

Nuix Steps

NuixAddConcordanceAdds data from a Concordance file to a NUIX case.
NuixAddItemAdds a file or directory to a Nuix Case.
NuixAddToItemSetRun a search query in Nuix and add all items found to an item set. Will create a new item set if one doesn't already exist.
NuixAddToProductionSetRun a search query in Nuix and add all items found to a production set. Will create a new production set if one with the given name does not already exist.
NuixAnnotateDocumentIdListAnnotates a document ID list to add production set names to it.
NuixAssertPrintPreviewStateChecks the print preview state of the production set.
NuixAssignCustodianRun a search query on a nuix case and assign found items to a custodian.
NuixCloseConnectionClose the connection to nuix. Also closes all cases
NuixCountItemsReturns the number of items matching a particular search term
NuixCreateCaseCreates a new case and opens it.
NuixCreateIrregularItemsReportCreates a list of all irregular items in a case. The report is in CSV format. The headers are 'Reason', 'Path' and 'Guid' Reasons include 'NonSearchablePDF','BadExtension','Unrecognised','Unsupported','TextNotIndexed','ImagesNotProcessed','Poisoned','Record','UnrecognisedDeleted','NeedManualExamination', and 'CodeTextFiles' Use this inside a WriteFile step to write it to a file.
NuixCreateNRTReportCreate a case report using an NRT file.
NuixCreateReportCreates a report for a Nuix case. The report is in csv format. The headers are 'Custodian', 'Type', 'Value', and 'Count'. The different types are: 'Kind', 'Type', 'Tag', and 'Address'. Use this inside a WriteFile step to write it to a file.
NuixCreateTermListCreates a list of all terms appearing in the case and their frequencies. The report is in CSV format. The headers are 'Term' and 'Count' Use this inside a WriteFile step to write it to a file.
NuixDoesCaseExistReturns whether or not a case exists.
NuixExcludeDecryptedItemsExcludes password protected items once they have been decrypted. This only excludes encrypted original items that have a decrypted child with the same name.
NuixExportConcordanceExports a production set in Concorfance format
NuixExtractEntitiesExtract Entities from a Nuix Case.
NuixGeneratePrintPreviewsGenerates print previews for items in a production set.
NuixGetAuditedSizeCalculate the total audited size for a case. For this to work, the case material needs to have been ingested with the calculateAuditedSize=true processing setting. Nuix uses 1000 base for kb/mb/gb, not 1024.
NuixGetCaseDetailsReturns an Entity with information about the current case. Includes Name, Description, GUID, Investigator, InvestigationTimeZone, Users, Custodians, Tags, Languages, Location (path), and if available the earliest and latest dates.
NuixGetItemPropertiesA step that the searches a case for items and outputs the values of item properties. The report is in CSV format. The headers are 'Key', 'Value', 'Path' and 'Guid' Use this inside a WriteFile step to write it to a file.
NuixGetLicenseDetailsReturns an Entity with information about the Nuix license currently in use. Includes license type, description, exprity, number of available workers, and the available features. The features list can be used when configuring the Nuix Connector.
NuixGetVersionReturns the Nuix version
NuixImportDocumentIdsImports the given document IDs into this production set. Only works if this production set has imported numbering.
NuixMigrateCaseMigrates a case to the latest version if necessary.
NuixOpenCaseMigrates a case to the latest version if necessary.
NuixOpenConnectionOpen the connection to nuix. Does not open the case.
NuixPerformOCRPerforms optical character recognition on items in a NUIX case.
NuixRemoveFromItemSetRemoves particular items from a Nuix item set.
NuixRemoveFromProductionSetRemoves particular items from a Nuix production set.
NuixReorderProductionSetReorders and renumbers the items in a production set.
NuixSearchAndExcludeRun a search query in Nuix and exclude all items found.
NuixSearchAndTagSearches a NUIX case with a particular search string and tags all files it finds.
NuixRunScriptRun an arbitrary ruby script in nuix. It should return a string.