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Version: v0.16.0

Create Case, Ingest and Filter

This example will:

  1. Create a new case
  2. Ingest a subset of the EDRM Micro Dataset
  3. OCR PDFs and TIFFs that have no text
  4. Run searches and tag responsive items
  5. Exclude databases and containers
  6. Create a new item set called TaggedItems


Instructions on how to install and setup Sequence and the Nuix Connector.

To download and setup the data for this example, use the SCL from this example. Manual steps:

  1. Download the EDRM Micro Dataset and extract to the ./data directory.


Download the SCL here: nuix-create-ingest-filter.scl

To run:

PS > ./sequence.exe run nuix-create-ingest-filter.scl

Details of the case and the evidence can be customised by updating the relevant variables in the SCL.

SearchAndTag is an array of entities. To add additional search terms, just copy each line and replace the terms in the quotes.


- <CaseName> = 'CASE001'
- <CasePath> = './ingest-filter'
- <Investigator> = 'Antony'
- <Custodian> = 'EDRM Micro'
- <Container> = 'CASE01B00001'

- <Evidence> = [
'./data/EDRM specific data'

- <SearchAndTag> = [
(Search: '*.jpg' Tag: 'image')
(Search: '*.doc' Tag: 'document')
(Search: 'red' Tag: 'colour')


# Create a new case. It will remain open and will be automatically used by the other steps
- NuixCreateCase CaseName: <CaseName> CasePath: <CasePath> Investigator: <Investigator>

# Add evidence to case
- NuixAddItem Custodian: <Custodian> Paths: <Evidence> Container: <Container>

# OCR PDFs or TIFFs with no text
- NuixPerformOCR Search: 'mime-type:( application/pdf OR image/tiff ) AND NOT content:* AND NOT flag:encrypted'

# For each entity in the SearchAndTag list, run a search in Nuix and tag the results
- ForEach <SearchAndTag> (NuixSearchAndTag Search: <>['Search'] Tag: <>['Tag'])

# Exclude database files and containers
- NuixSearchAndExclude
Search: 'kind:database OR (kind:container AND NOT flag:encrypted)'
ExclusionReason: 'irrelevant'

# Create an item set from the ingested items
- NuixAddToItemSet ItemSetName: 'TaggedItems' SearchTerm: 'tag:*'
