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Version: v0.18.0

Import From Nuix into Autopsy

This example will

  • Create a new Nuix case
  • Import the data into that case
  • Place data into a production set
  • Export that production set
  • Create a new Autopsy case
  • Import the exported data into the Autopsy case


Instructions on how to install and setup Sequence and the TSK Connector.

How to set up the Nuix Connector

You also need to download the test data

You also need to create a report profile to use.

  • Open the Autopsy application
  • Click Tools and then Options
  • Choose the Command Line Ingest tab on the options dialog
  • Choose Make new Profile../... in the the Report Profile dropdown
  • Press Configure and follow the instructions

To run:

PS > ./sequence.exe run tsk-import-from-nuix.scl


Download the SCL here: tsk-import-from-nuix.scl

- <CaseName> = 'CASE001'
- <CasePath> = './ingest-filter'
- <Investigator> = 'Antony'
- <Custodian> = 'EDRM Micro'
- <Container> = 'CASE01B00001'
- <ProductionSet> = 'TaggedItemsProduction'

- <Evidence> = [
'./data/EDRM specific data'

- <ExportPath> = PathCombine ['ConcordanceExport'] # Create absolute path

- <AutopsyCaseDirectory> = PathCombine ['AutopsyCases']


# Create a new case. It will remain open and will be automatically used by the other steps
- NuixCreateCase CaseName: <CaseName> CasePath: <CasePath> Investigator: <Investigator>

# Add evidence to the case
- NuixAddItem Custodian: <Custodian> Paths: <Evidence> Container: <Container>

# Create an item set for export
- NuixAddToItemSet ItemSetName: 'TaggedItems' SearchTerm: 'tag:*'

# Create a production set for export
- NuixAddToProductionSet
ProductionSet: <ProductionSet>
Search: $"item-set:TaggedItems"
SearchType: SearchType.ItemsAndDescendants

# Export the production set as a concordance load file
- NuixExportConcordance
ExportPath: <ExportPath>
ProductionSet: <ProductionSet>
TraversalStrategy: ExportTraversalStrategy.Items
ExportOptions: (
native: (path: 'NATIVE' naming: 'document_id')
text: (path: 'TEXT' naming: 'document_id')

- AutopsyCreateNewCase
CaseName: <CaseName>
CaseBaseDirectory: <AutopsyCaseDirectory>
DataSourcePath: <ExportPath>
IngestProfileName: ""