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Version: v0.18.0

Create SQL Table and Insert Data

Instructions on how to install and setup Sequence and the SQL Connector.

This workflow:

  1. Drops the table 'MyTable' if it exists
  2. Creates a new Table 'MyTable'
  3. Inserts data into 'MyTable'

To try out this workflow, you'll need an instance of MariaDb running on localhost:3306. You can use a Docker container for this:

docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name mariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=verysecret -e MYSQL_DATABASE=database mariadb


- <Connection> = CreateMySQLConnectionString
Server: 'localhost'
Database: 'database'
UserName: 'root'
Password: 'verysecret'

- <TableName> = 'Config'
- <Schema> = (
Name: <TableName>
AllowExtraProperties: False
Properties: (
'title': "MyTable"
'additionalProperties': False
'properties': (
'Id': ('type': "integer")
'Name': ('type': "string")
'required': ["Id"]

- SqlCommand
Connection: <Connection>
Command: $"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {<TableName>}"

- SqlCreateTable
Connection: <Connection>
Schema: <Schema>

- SqlInsert
Connection: <Connection>
Entities: [
(Id: 1 SourcePath: 'C:\temp\file1.txt' DestinationPath: 'C:\temp\file1-2.txt' )
(Id: 2 SourcePath: 'C:\temp\file2.txt' DestinationPath: 'C:\temp\file2-2.txt' )
Schema: <Schema>