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Version: v0.18.0

Export Entities

This example will export entities from a Relativity Workspace and write them to a .csv file


Instructions on how to install and setup Sequence and the Sequence Connector for Relativity®.

To write the data to a .csv file you need to add the StructuredData and FileSystem connectors


Download the SCL here: relativity-export-entities.scl

To run:

PS > ./sequence.exe run relativity-export-entities.scl
# Set the name of your workspace. You could also use Workspace Artifact Id
- <WorkspaceName> = 'Test Workspace'
- <ExportFilter> = "'Tags' LIKE 'Important'"
- <OutputPath> = 'entities.csv'

# Export the entities
- <ExportedEntities> = RelativityExport
Workspace: <WorkspaceName>
Condition: <ExportFilter>
FieldNames: ['Title', 'Tags']

# Define a schema
- <Schema> = (
'title': "RelativityData"
'additionalProperties': False
'properties': (
'Title': ('type': "string")
'Tags': ('type': "string")
'required': ["Title", "Tags"]

# Apply the schema to the entities
- <MappedExportedEntities> = Validate EntityStream: <ExportedEntities> Schema: <Schema>

# Write the entities to a csv file
- <MappedExportedEntities> | ToCSV | Log
- <MappedExportedEntities> | ToCSV | FileWrite <OutputPath>
- Log $"Exported {ArrayLength <MappedExportedEntities>} Entities."