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25 docs tagged with "Enums"

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ArtifactType | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

DeduplicateBy | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

EncodingEnum | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

ErrorBehavior | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

HashAlgorithm | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

ImageFormat | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

ItemSortOrder | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

LoadFileType | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

MatterStatus | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

SearchScope | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

SearchType | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

Severity | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

SizeUnit | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

SortEnum | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

SortOrder | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

TextCase | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.

TrimSide | Enums

. Use this step to easily automate forensic and e-discovery workflows using Sequence.