Sequence Configuration Language Grammar Test
Dev Page to Test SCL Grammar Parsing in SCL.
# with a nested # comment /* and another */
- Print ( 1 + 2 - 3 )
- <half> = 1 / 2 * 3
- <True> = 1 == 1 && 2 <= 3 && 4 >= 4 # comment
- <False> = 1 != 1 || 2 ^ 1 % 2 == 2 /**/
- Step1
- Step2
# Nested
" 'a string' "
/* Block Comment with a /* nested */ */
- <multiline> = """
Three double quotes start
A multiline string with no
"Escaping" needed
/* comment */
- <string> = "ABC"
- <interpolatedA> = $"hello {<name>}"
- <interpolatedB> = $"hello {
1 + 2 + 3
- <multilineA> = "A BC\r \n \\ \""
- <multilineB> = '
this is a
with /* comments */
# inside
- <StringEscape> = "this is a \"string\" key: 123 'string key': 456 compound.key: 789"
- "comments /* inside */ a string"
- Print Value:'Something'
- Print Value: (Nested Parameter: (1+1))
- Print Value: ( Nested Parameter: (
NestedAgain Param: true
- <Entity> = (
key : 123
anotherkey : '!!!'
'string key' : Enum.Value
compound.key : 789
- <Entity> =
key: 123,
'string key': ( 'nested key': 'hello' )
- <bools> = [true, TRUE, false, falsE]
- <numbers> = [1, 23, 45.678]
- <enum> = enum.Value
- <date> = 1990-01-06T01:23:45
- FromJson
# Create Fields
- ForEach <FieldsToCreate> Action: (
- <FieldId> = RelativityCreateField <WorkspaceName> <>
- Log $"Created Field '{<>}' with id {<FieldId>}"
- NuixCreateCase
CaseName: <CaseName>
CasePath: <CasePath>
Investigator: <Investigator>
- NuixExportConcordance
ExportPath: <ExportPath>
ProductionSet: <CaseDetails>['ProductionSetName']
TraversalStrategy: ExportTraversalStrategy.Items
#LoadFileOptions: (metadataProfile: <MetadataProfile>)
ExportOptions: (
native: (path: 'NATIVE' naming: 'document_id')
text: (path: 'TEXT' naming: 'document_id')
- If (NuixCountItems Search: 'tag:Encrypted' > 0) Then: (
- NuixAddToProductionSet ProductionSet: 'EncryptedItems' Search: 'tag:Encrypted'
- NuixExportConcordance
ExportPath: <EncryptedPath>
ProductionSet: 'EncryptedItems'
ExportOptions: (native: (naming: 'guid'))
) Else: (Log 'No encrypted items found to export')