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Version: v0.16.0

Import Data from Slack

Instructions on how to install and setup Sequence and the Singer Connector.

How to set up the Slack Tap

  • [](Install Singer)

  • [](Install the Slack Tap)

  • Create a Slack bot in the Slack API

  • Use the following manifest

major_version: 1
minor_version: 1
name: Singer
display_name: Singer
always_online: false
- channels:history
- channels:join
- channels:read
- files:read
- groups:read
- links:read
- reactions:read
- remote_files:read
- remote_files:write
- team:read
- usergroups:read
- users.profile:read
- users:read
org_deploy_enabled: false
socket_mode_enabled: false
token_rotation_enabled: false
  • Get the Bot User OAuth Token from the OAuth & Permissions tab in the Slack API

  • Create a slack.config file with the following contents (replacing the token and start date)

"token": "xxxx",
"start_date": "2021-11-02T00:00:00",
"join_public_channels": "true"
  • Create a catalog.json file
tap-slack --config C:\Singer\slack.config --discover > catalog.json
  • Edit the catalog.json file. You need to add "selected": true to the metadata section of all the stream you wish to read.
"breadcrumb": [],
"metadata": {
"table-key-properties": ["id"],
"forced-replication-method": "FULL_TABLE",
"valid-replication-keys": [],
"inclusion": "available",
"selected": true
  • Run the tap and write the data to a file
tap-slack --config C:\Singer\slack.config --catalog C:\Singer\catalog.json > data.json
  • Install the FileSystem connector
  • Run the SCL
- FileRead 'data.json'
| FromSinger handleState: (<> => DoNothing)
| ForEach (Log <>['name'])

The HandleState argument here ignores the state. The default behaviour is to write it to a file named 'State.json'

You could also pipe the result of the tap directly into Sequence.

tap-slack --config C:\Singer\slack.config --catalog C:\Singer\catalog.json | .\sequence.exe run scl  "ReadStandardIn | FromSinger handlestate: (<>=>DoNothing) | Foreach (log <>['name'])"